/manager/Index en-au 5 Targeting Mitophagy in Alzheimer's Disease /manager/Repository/uon:42660 Wed 31 Aug 2022 13:09:31 AEST ]]> Impaired cerebrovascular responsiveness and cognitive performance in adults with type 2 diabetes /manager/Repository/uon:31031 Wed 19 Jan 2022 15:17:45 AEDT ]]> Early lifecycle UV-exposure calibrates adult vitamin D metabolism: evidence for a developmentally originated vitamin D homeostat that may alter related adult phenotypes /manager/Repository/uon:37115 R2 = .0140; P = .0082; β = .1075), but not vitamin D₂ levels. It also correlated positively with female adult height (R2 = .170; P = .0103; β = .1291) and negatively with the occurrence of female osteoporosis (P = .0495). All data were adjusted for age and gender as appropriate (unadjusted data also provided). From a contemporary perspective, vitamin D levels varied significantly according to season of blood sampling as might be predicted (P = .0009). Conclusions: Increased solar irradiance/UV exposure during the first trimester of pregnancy calibrates adult vitamin D metabolism, which is an important hormone in maintaining calcium balance. This may explain how very early lifecycle UV exposure can influence skeletal development (adult height) and modify risk for the skeletal degenerative disorder osteoporosis. The data demonstrate humans are tuned to the world (exposome) in ways we have not yet fully considered, and which are entrained at the earliest phase of the lifecycle.]]> Wed 19 Aug 2020 11:35:44 AEST ]]> Biophysical evidence to support and extend the vitamin D-folate hypothesis as a paradigm for the evolution of human skin pigmentation /manager/Repository/uon:43197 n = 649) Australian cross-sectional study population. Genetic analysis was used to score vitamin D- and folate-related gene polymorphisms (n = 22), along with two pigmentation gene variants (IRF4-rs12203592/HERC2-rs12913832). Red cell folate and vitamin D3 were measured by immunoassay and HPLC, respectively. Results: i. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and pigmentation genes interact to modify blood vitamin levels; Light skin IRF4-TT genotype has greatest folate loss while light skin HERC2-GG genotype has greatest vitamin D3 synthesis (reflected in both TOMS and seasonal data). ii. UV-wavelength exhibits a dose–response relationship in folate loss within light skin IRF4-TT genotype (305 > 310 > 324 > 380 nm). Significant vitamin D3 photosynthesis only occurs within light skin HERC2-GG genotype, and is maximal at 305 nm. iii. Three dietary antioxidants (vitamins C, E, and β-carotene) interact with UVR and pigmentation genes preventing oxidative loss of labile reduced folate vitamers, with greatest benefit in light skin IRF4-TT subjects. The putative photosensitiser, riboflavin, did not sensitize red cell folate to UVR and actually afforded protection. iv. Four genes (5xSNPs) influenced blood vitamin levels when stratified by pigmentation genotype; MTHFR-rs1801133/rs1801131, TS-rs34489327, CYP24A-rs17216707, and VDR-ApaI-rs7975232. v. Lightest IRF4-TT/darkest HERC2-AA genotype combination (greatest folate loss/lowest vitamin D3 synthesis) has 0% occurrence. The opposing, commonest (39%) compound genotype (darkest IRF4-CC/lightest HERC2-GG) permits least folate loss and greatest synthesis of vitamin D3. Conclusion: New biophysical evidence supports the vitamin D-folate hypothesis for evolution of skin pigmentation.]]> Wed 14 Sep 2022 09:33:28 AEST ]]> Cerebrospinal fluid levels of inflammation, oxidative stress and NAD⁺ are linked to differences in plasma carotenoid concentrations /manager/Repository/uon:16761 Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:55:34 AEST ]]> A tribute to nutrio-diabetologist; Shanti S. Rastogi MBBS, MD, FRCP, FICN, FICC /manager/Repository/uon:17006 Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:48:15 AEST ]]> Plasma n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are negatively associated with obesity /manager/Repository/uon:6964 Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:23:33 AEST ]]> Suboptimal omega-3 levels in Australian adolescents /manager/Repository/uon:17031 8. Three percent had an Index of <4, placing them in the high risk category for disease. On average, adolescents from low or medium socioeconomic communities had a significantly lower omega-3 Index compared to those from higher socioeconomic neighbourhoods (mean difference=1.4, p=0.018). Overall 20% of boys and 17% of girls reported regularly taking omega-3 supplements. Regular use of omega-3 supplements was associated with a higher average omega-3 Index (9.8±3.7, n=44 compared to 8.0±3.0, n=203, p=0.001 in those not taking supplements). Conclusion: This study indicates that Australian adolescents, even when from advantaged homes, have a high probability of below optimum omega-3 levels. As reduced omega-3 levels are linked to conditions of public health concern such as diabetes, asthma and depression, targeted strategies to improve the omega-3 status in the childhood population may be warranted.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:39:31 AEST ]]> The relative value of measures of omega-3 index, perceived stress, cortisol and sleep time in identifying depression among a cohort of Australian adolescents /manager/Repository/uon:22942 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:25:37 AEST ]]> Antihypertensive potential of combined extracts of olive leaf, green coffee bean and beetroot: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial /manager/Repository/uon:15726 Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:38:03 AEST ]]> Relationship between central and peripheral fatty acids in humans /manager/Repository/uon:14801 Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:26:36 AEST ]]> Older Australians can achieve high adherence to the Mediterranean diet during a 6 month randomised intervention; results from the Medley study /manager/Repository/uon:30709 p < 0.01). Measures of compliance including serum β-carotene, lycopene and erythrocyte monounsaturated fatty acids were significantly higher in the MedDiet group at three and six months (p < 0.05). Our results indicate that a population of older Australians can adopt a Mediterranean diet over a six month period]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:30:34 AEST ]]> Sex-dependent association between omega-3 index and body weight status in older Australians /manager/Repository/uon:29551 p=0.06), WC (r = −0.118, p < 0.01) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR; r = −0.149, p < 0.001). Stratification of data by sex (females, n = 349; males, n = 271) indicated that these associations were sex-specific. Females displayed an inverse association between the omega-3 index and BMI (r = −0.146, p < 0.01) and WC (r = −0.125, p < 0.05). In contrast, no significant association between the omega-3 index and anthropometric measures was detected in males. After correcting for the potentially confounding effects of age, household income, fish oil supplement status, daily dietary energy intake and total physical activity times, the omega-3 index was inversely associated with BMI and WC in females but not males. Conclusions: Omega-3 status was associated with weight status, particularly in older women but not in men. These results suggest the need for sex-based intervention trials to examine the role of dietary intake and/or supplementation of LCn-3PUFA in weight management of older adults.]]> Wed 09 Mar 2022 16:02:27 AEDT ]]> Potential of coconut oil and medium chain triglycerides in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease /manager/Repository/uon:41980 Tue 16 Aug 2022 15:48:33 AEST ]]> Ad libitum Mediterranean diet reduces subcutaneous but not visceral fat in patients with coronary heart disease: a randomised controlled pilot study /manager/Repository/uon:48322 0.05). Within the MedDiet group only, the proportion of participants taking beta-blocker medication reduced from baseline to 6-months (71% vs. 56%, p-trend = 0.007). Conclusions: Adherence to 6-month ad libitum MedDiet reduced subcutaneous fat and waist circumference which discounts the misconception that this healthy but high fat diet leads to body fat gain. The effect of MedDiet on body fat distribution and consequent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, as well as need for medications, in patients with CHD warrants exploration in larger studies. Clinically significant effects on these markers may require adjunct exercise and/or caloric restriction. Trial registration: ACTRN12616000156482.]]> Tue 14 Mar 2023 16:21:47 AEDT ]]> Salmon food matrix influences digestion and bioavailability of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids /manager/Repository/uon:53398 Thu 23 Nov 2023 13:44:51 AEDT ]]> Arachidonic acid supplementation modulates blood and skeletal muscle lipid profile with no effect on basal inflammation in resistance exercise trained men /manager/Repository/uon:48964 Thu 20 Apr 2023 09:41:49 AEST ]]> Short-term docosapentaenoic acid (22:5 n-3) supplementation increases tissue docosapentaenoic acid, DHA and EPA concentrations in rats /manager/Repository/uon:9673 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:39:16 AEDT ]]> Docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n-3): a review of its biological effects /manager/Repository/uon:17785 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:57:23 AEDT ]]> Diet and thrombosis risk: nutrients for prevention of thrombotic disease /manager/Repository/uon:17933 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:56:33 AEDT ]]> Hyperlipidemia /manager/Repository/uon:16973 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:55:26 AEDT ]]> Natural and processed milk and oil body emulsions: bioavailability, bioaccessibility and functionality /manager/Repository/uon:30763 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:24:26 AEDT ]]> Oxidised LDL and antioxidants in atherosclerosis /manager/Repository/uon:3868 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:19:27 AEDT ]]> Oxidised LDL and antioxidants in atherosclerosis /manager/Repository/uon:3869 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:19:26 AEDT ]]> Joint association of magnesium and iron intake with anemia among Chinese adults /manager/Repository/uon:4870 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:18:44 AEDT ]]> Potential complementary and/or synergistic effects of curcumin and boswellic acids for management of osteoarthritis /manager/Repository/uon:52835 Mon 30 Oct 2023 09:41:51 AEDT ]]> Independent and interactive influences of environmental UVR, vitamin D levels, and folate variant MTHFD1-RS2236225 on homocysteine levels /manager/Repository/uon:37802 n = 619). Red blood cell folate, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and plasma Hcy levels were determined, and genotyping for 21 folate and vitamin D-related variants was performed. Erythemal dose rate accumulated over six-weeks (6W-EDR) and four-months (4M-EDR) prior to clinics were calculated as a measure of environmental UVR. Multivariate analyses found interactions between 6W-EDR and 25(OH)D levels (pinteraction = 0.002), and 4M-EDR and MTHFD1-rs2236225 (pinteraction = 0.006) in predicting Hcy levels. The association between 6W-EDR and Hcy levels was found only in subjects within lower 25(OH)D quartiles (<33.26 ng/mL), with the association between 4M-EDR and Hcy occurring only in subjects carrying the MTHFD1-rs2236225 variant. 4M-EDR, 6W-EDR, and MTHFD1-rs2236225 were also independent predictors of Hcy. Findings highlight nutrient-environment and gene-environment interactions that could influence the risk of Hcy-related outcomes.]]> Mon 26 Apr 2021 11:34:35 AEST ]]> Extra virgin olive oil high in polyphenols improves antioxidant status in adults: a double-blind, randomized, controlled, cross-over study (OLIVAUS) /manager/Repository/uon:45802  94 cm in males, > 80 cm in females) or inflammation (hs-CRP > 1 mg/L). In the subgroup with abdominal obesity, ox-LDL decreased by 13.5 mU/mL (95% CI − 23.5 to − 3.6) and TAC increased by 0.04 mM (95% CI 0.006–0.07) only after HPOO consumption. In the subgroup with inflammation, hs-CRP decreased by 1.9 mg/L (95% CI − 3.7 to −0.1) only in the HPOO arm. Conclusions: Although there were no significant differences between treatments, the changes observed after HPOO consumption demonstrate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of this oil, which is more pronounced in adults with high cardiometabolic risk (Clinical Trial Registration: ACTRN12618000706279).]]> Mon 07 Nov 2022 10:05:13 AEDT ]]> Higher omega-3 index is associated with better asthma control and lower medication dose: a cross-sectional study /manager/Repository/uon:38015 Fri 23 Jul 2021 15:33:53 AEST ]]> Vitamin D and folate: A reciprocal environmental association based on seasonality and genetic disposition /manager/Repository/uon:42277  3R-TS. RCF was measured by chemiluminescent immunoassay and vitamin D2 and D3 by HPLC. Results: RCF and photosynthesized vitamin D3, but not RCF and dietary vitamin D2, exhibit a significant reciprocal association in spring and summer. Three folate genes (C677T-MTHFR, C1420T-SHMT, and 2R > 3R-TS) strengthen this effect in spring, and another (T401C-MTHFD) in summer. Effects are seasonal, and do not occur over the whole year. Conclusions: Findings are consistent with what might be required for the “folate-vitamin D-UV hypothesis of skin pigmentation” model. It suggests genetic influence in provision of one-carbon units by 5,10-methylene-H4folate, may be an important factor in what appears to be a clear seasonal relationship between vitamin D3 and folate status.]]> Fri 11 Aug 2023 09:43:44 AEST ]]> Editorial for the launch/inaugural issue of the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism /manager/Repository/uon:24026 Fri 04 Nov 2016 13:09:47 AEDT ]]>